
Métaphor and Simile Poems

Simile Poem I found my simile poem really enjoyable to write. I had fun writing it. I really enjoy sunsets and it came to my head when I was thinking what topic to do. My family loves taking walks on the beach so I tried to remember our walks at sunset clearly. The easy part was thinking of the topic, but it became challenging trying to describe the sunsets. I love writing poems and this was one of my favorites. I think the ‘like’ parts were a bit odd to write, but it still works. I wish I could’ve added ‘as’s’ into my poem. Métaphor Poem This is my favorite poem I’ve written yet. I recall thinking of Mother Nature as a topic. She was the first thing that came to my head so I did her. I really like this poem because I feel at peace when I read it for some reason. Mother Nature plays a big part in the fantasy world and in the real world.  I like writing about fiction with some reality in it. This was a perfect example for that. This poem was quite easy to write because I

Life of an Informal Settlement Child

Warning: This story is 93 sentences long. Don’t fall asleep! Dear Journal, My name is Kibo-Chan Today was the same as every other day. Cold, wet and boring.I’m a child that lives in a informal settlement. I have a small shack made out of metal that is freezing in the winter and boiling in the summer. I share it with my two brothers, one sister, my mom and me. You’re probably wondering “where is your father?” He was away for work in another city called Cape Town in the Western Cape. My family lives in Mpumalanga, I don’t know where because I don’t have the best education. He is a gardener there. A few months ago my family and I moved to Cape Town with my father. My ‘house’ in Mpumalanga was a lot better than the one we have in Cape Town. My dad did not know we were coming and he has used a lot of his money to a aéroplane to get to here. Our house is smaller than before. I have to share a mattress with my sister and my brothers have to share a another mattress as well.My pare

The Music Inspector

Dear Journal My name is Gladys Armstrong. Yesterday was awful. It was the day the music inspector came. I was very scared since I don’t like singing and I usually just lip sync the words. I was standing in the back as usual when the music inspector, Mr. R, walked into the room. He was wearing huge knickerbockers and stockings that reminded me of a hunting man. He has a big red mean looking face that made goosebumps all over my arms and bright blue eyes. He had a quick look at us before putting down his bag. He said we have to do ‘do, ray, me’ and the tapping thing. After all of that he called Benny Gibler and Charles Harolson to go sing. I could see the sweat and fear that they were going through. Mr. R told them to stand in front. They did not know a single song. It was dreadful! Mr. R got angry and his face when bright red, redder than his usual tone.  My eyes were wide open to show I was listening. Even the naughty boys went quiet. Finally Charles said something, “we can sin

Grade 5. Camp 2019

Camp this year was fun. We went to High Africa. Its was one of my favourite camps. The staff was fun, funny and full of energy.  My dorm was amazing, bathroom was clean and the beds were neat.  The activities were very fun, in cold or warm weather,  I still enjoyed the games. I loved the food, it was amazing, we made roostebroed on the first night and on the second night, we made potjies. The breakfast was good as well, we had cereal ( Rice Crispies or Corn Flakes ) and after we would have toast. One the last moring of camp, we had Flapjacks. I sat with Aimee, Arianne and Danika.  On the first night of camp ( of High Africa ) we went on a night walk. On the second and last night of camp we watched a movie because it was raining. They were both fun because I got to talk to my friends and relax ( just what I needed to get away from work and drawing artworks ) We had a Kickball match ( its basiclly softball mixed with soccor, so instead of bating the ball, you will

The Butterfly Lion

The Butterfly Lion is a beautiful book. The book has a little bit of a roller-coaster of emotions. Anyone will love this book.  Bertie is so sweet when he is a child, but when he is older he is more determined. Bertie's friend Millie is so generous to people, even if her father was never there. Bertie's mom is so kind and caring to anyone, even if she does not agree with them. Bertie's dad is okay, he sold the white lion and made Bertie move to England for school and when Bertie's mother died, he sold the farm and married another woman. The good things about him is that he is in some ways generous. World War 1 came, and Bertie had to sign up for the army because their men were dying fast and they needed more men.I was so miserable when I heard it. Millie felt broken-hearted when she heard it too. Bertie saved two men when he had a injured knee. For that he won VC (Victoria Cross) and was well known.  After a while Millie became a nurse to go help at

The Grade 4 Camp

Two weeks ago we were on camp. We went to Giraffe House just before going to camp.The driver stopped the bus in front of Giraffe House and everyone was relieved that we were out of the bus and able to walk around.First thing we  did was introduced to the staff and our reptile show director. Then  he started the reptile show. He asked Kian to go up, he took out an bearded dragon and put it on Kian's head. Next he ask Coach Isak to go up. The director grabbed Coach Isak's hand and put it over an blue pillow cover. The director said "are you ready?" Coach Isak nodded his head and put his hand in the bag.He pulled out and American corn snake, the snake was bright orange and was quite small.Now for my favorite part at Giraffe House, the director asked"who is the best princess , girls?" Chumile put up her hand, well her friends were putting her hand up. She was looking very nervous , she went up. The director pulled out and huge bull frog. The director said to Ch