The Music Inspector

Dear Journal
My name is Gladys Armstrong.
Yesterday was awful. It was the day the music inspector came. I was very scared since I don’t like singing and I usually just lip sync the words. I was standing in the back as usual when the music inspector, Mr. R, walked into the room. He was wearing huge knickerbockers and stockings that reminded me of a hunting man. He has a big red mean looking face that made goosebumps all over my arms and bright blue eyes. He had a quick look at us before putting down his bag.

He said we have to do ‘do, ray, me’ and the tapping thing. After all of that he called Benny Gibler and Charles Harolson to go sing. I could see the sweat and fear that they were going through. Mr. R told them to stand in front. They did not know a single song. It was dreadful! Mr. R got angry and his face when bright red, redder than his usual tone.  My eyes were wide open to show I was listening. Even the naughty boys went quiet. Finally Charles said something, “we can sing Pretty Polly” in a squeaky voice. I wanted to laugh but I held it in. Charles and Benny started to sing. Charles sang in a low voice and Benny sang very high because he was so scared.
In the middle of the verse they stopped. Mr. R was furious! “Waste of time, Waste of time! Get these two voiceless idiots out of this room! Put them with the big boys!”

By then I was sweating with fear. All I wanted to do was cry. I wanted to go home but if I did I would of gotten spanked. So I just stood there frozen. He called up Jesse Norsin. She sang with the modelater a nice song. When she was finished, I could see Mr. R was very pleased with Jesse. He told her to go back to her spot in a proud voice. Jesse skipped to her spot with joy. Mr. R shouted at me, “you at the back, with the blonde hair in a pony tail! You come here to the front with you”. He was pointing at Iris. I felt my soul fly 
out of my body to scared to help me. The person next to me nudged me. I walked slowly to the front. My face was pale. Iris looked scared too. I could not talk. I was shaking. I could feel it. I bet even Iris could feel it.

Mr. R was waiting for us to sing. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. “What do we have here! The dumb and the deaf! Where are your voices girls!” I could see fury rise in Iris. She was always truthful even though her truth is not-so-nice. Mr. R called Julia Tomson and Gladys Long. “ Help these paralyzed mutes!” I felt like I was about to burst into tears, but I held it in. Even Iris was shocked. That night I could not sleep. I was to scared because I kept thinking that Mr. R was in my room with a cane, whispering”don’t worry… it’s not going to hurt one bit.” The next day I was exhausted.
Iris told me about her nightmare she also had of him. After that, no one said another thing about Mr. R or that day.


  1. Very descriptive well done Tatum!

  2. I love your detail and I can see that you love doing it.

  3. Wow, Tatum, you have described the lesson in great detail! You have made a great effort to describe the feelings and emotions of your character - as if you really felt them yourself! You have planned your story into well-organised paragraphs. Your narrative hangs together and reads easily.
    Good work!


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