
Showing posts from March, 2019

Grade 5. Camp 2019

Camp this year was fun. We went to High Africa. Its was one of my favourite camps. The staff was fun, funny and full of energy.  My dorm was amazing, bathroom was clean and the beds were neat.  The activities were very fun, in cold or warm weather,  I still enjoyed the games. I loved the food, it was amazing, we made roostebroed on the first night and on the second night, we made potjies. The breakfast was good as well, we had cereal ( Rice Crispies or Corn Flakes ) and after we would have toast. One the last moring of camp, we had Flapjacks. I sat with Aimee, Arianne and Danika.  On the first night of camp ( of High Africa ) we went on a night walk. On the second and last night of camp we watched a movie because it was raining. They were both fun because I got to talk to my friends and relax ( just what I needed to get away from work and drawing artworks ) We had a Kickball match ( its basiclly softball mixed with soccor, so instead of bating the ball, you will